About Me

I am a serving Police officer with Kent Police; having been so for nearly 25 years in largely front-line roles as a PC and Sergeant, (facing REAL emergencies with REAL people’s lives on the line).

Whether a need to offer basic or more advanced first aid, (and yes I have performed CPR for real), or talking with a stricken person, dangling over a ledge, who felt that their life was over, I’m so very proud to say I HAVE made a difference.

I am an advocate within the workplace to support colleagues – I am a TRIM practitioner, supporting those officers that have experienced trauma and managing the fall out from that.

My aim is to arm those that want to gain key skills in first aid and MH first aid, with what they need to MAKE A DIFFERENCE too.


The Story So Far

Five years ago, a chance meeting at work lead to me gain my qualification as a first aid instructor. I have always been an advocate for first aid and life-saving, having served for nearly a quarter of a century as a Police officer.

I needed to find a name for a company and decided upon my children’s first name initials – Michael, Scarlett & Adam, this gave me MSA first aid training. A company was born but with work I rarely used my skills other than in a volunteer role working with young people in a cadets programme – skilling them in being ready to tackle any first aid scenario.

Becoming a parent made me re-think about what skills I had and what I needed to have – I wanted to be there and be effective should my family need me in an emergency. This has played an enormous part in my decision to try and train as many people as possible.

Over the last twelve months the company has existed in the background whilst I continued to train family, friends and volunteer groups. I have now ventured to turning this idea into a business.

Within that time I have also gained a qualification to teach Mental health first aid too.

I urge you all to gain these KEY skills in life. I hope to pass on my experiences gained from years of numerous real life or death incidents. Even basics can help save a life. Get yourself trained – it may help save a life for real.

I have a team of equally qualified and experienced instructors to call upon to serve your specific needs. Get in touch with your enquiry via [email protected]